Who is Jorge Masvidal's ex-girlfriend, Iman Kawa?

Publish date: 2024-05-21

UFC welterweight Jorge Masvidal is perhaps one of the biggest stars in the MMA world. Despite being in the spotlight, 'Gamebred' has managed to stick to his policy of not disclosing details about his personal life to the media. As a result, very little is known about his family.

One of the rare details about Jorge Masvidal's life that is available to the public is his relationship with Iman Kawa. Jorge Masvidal and Iman Kawa were reportedly dating for ten years. The couple are said to have two daughters and a son together.

There is no information available as to when or why the two parted ways. However, the two are reported to have split sometime around 2019.

Iman Kawa is a professional chef, and runs her own YouTube cooking and lifestyle channel called "Better Than Your Mother's". Jorge Masvidal has appeared in several editions of the same. The two also show up on each other's social media posts while they were dating.

Iman Kawa is also an entrepreneur and procurement specialist. She is also the sister of two of the most popular names in professional MMA management, Malki Kawa and Abraham Kawa. Malki Kawa also happens to be Jorge Masvidal's manager.

NFL star Chad Ochocinco made an appearance at the UFC 261 pre-fight presser

Jorge Masvidal will face UFC welterweight champion Kamaru Usman in a rematch in the main event of UFC 261 on Saturday, As the two answered questions in the pre-fight press conference of the event, an unexpected fan stepped up to the mic and said:

“Despite being the underdog, I’m still rocking with you. And I need to hear from your mouth. I need eye contact. Look right at me. I want you to make sure you tell me. I can bet this money – You’re the lock. You’re the lock. You’re the lock for the fight.”

Jorge Masvidal seemed to recognize who the man behind the mask was and said:

“Is that Chad, yeah? What’s up, man?” Masvidal smiled and added, “What’s up, man? How you doing, man?”

Masvidal recognized Chad Johnson, formerly known as Chad Ochocinco, and was delighted to converse with the footballer. Jorge Masvidal infused Chad with confidence and told the NFL star that betting on him against 'The Nigerian Nightmare' was a smart move.

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