Who is Barry Trotz's wife, Kim? Meet the couple who had a very challenging start to their parenting

Publish date: 2024-05-09

Barry Trotz is a well-known name in the NHL. He has had a successful career as both a player and a coach. However, behind every successful man is a strong and supportive partner. In Barry Trotz's case, that partner is his wife, Kim Trotz.

Kim Trotz is a private person, and there is little information available about her online. However, it is known that she has worked for the Nashville Predators and as a dental hygienist. Kim and Barry Trotz have been married for more than three decades and have four children together.

Their parenting journey has not been an easy one. Their son, Nolan, was born with Down syndrome, which presented them with unique challenges. Down syndrome is a genetic condition that affects a person's physical and intellectual abilities. This can cause delays in development and learning difficulties.

The Trotz family has been open about their experiences with Down syndrome and the challenges they have faced. They have also been vocal about the need for more awareness and support for families with children with disabilities. In an interview with The Athletic, Barry Trotz said,

"It's been a challenging journey, but it's also been an incredibly rewarding one."

Despite the challenges, the Trotz family has remained strong and supportive of each other. They have worked together to provide the best possible care for Nolan and have advocated for him and other children with disabilities. Their dedication and commitment to each other and their family have been an inspiration to many.

The Trotz family currently resides in Garden City, New York, where Barry is the head coach of the New York Islanders. They continue to be active members of their community and are involved in various charitable organizations that support children with disabilities.

Barry Trotz's journey after realizing his playing was not good enough for an NHL career

Barry Trotz may be known today as one of the winningest coaches in NHL history, but his journey to the top has not always been smooth sailing. Trotz himself has admitted that he realized early on that his playing abilities would not be enough to take him to the NHL. Rather than let this realization discourage him, Trotz used it as an opportunity to find a new path in hockey coaching.

After playing junior hockey for the Regina Pats and Dauphin Kings, Trotz attended training camp for the AHL's Hershey Bears in 1982. It was there that he met Jack Button, the director of player recruitment for the Washington Capitals. Button invited Trotz to attend the camp because he believed Trotz had the potential to become a good minor league leader or coach someday.

Button's prediction proved to be spot-on as Trotz began his coaching career as an assistant coach at the University of Manitoba in 1984. The following year, he became the general manager and head coach for the Dauphin Kings, the same team he played for during his final year of junior hockey. In 1987, Trotz returned to the University of Manitoba as head coach, while also serving as a part-time scout for the Washington Capitals.

Trotz's big break came in 1992 when Barry Trotz was named head coach of the Capitals' minor league affiliate, the Baltimore Skipjacks. He led the team to two Calder Cup Finals, winning the Calder Cup in the team's inaugural season in Portland, Maine, in 1994.

From there, Barry Trotz continued to move up the coaching ranks, serving as an assistant coach for the Capitals and then the Nashville Predators before being named head coach of the Predators in 1998. Trotz's defensive-minded coaching style helped the Predators become a competitive team. He remained with the team for 15 seasons, leading them to seven playoff appearances.

Trotz then moved on to coach the Washington Capitals in 2014, where he finally won his first Stanley Cup in 2018. He is currently coaching the New York Islanders and has led them to two consecutive appearances in the Eastern Conference Finals.

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