What did Rashid Rosemond do? TikToker gets blasted online as his mother addresses allegations

Publish date: 2024-04-29

TikToker Rashid Rosemond has been in the headlines for a while for posting videos where he threatens women that they would be r*ped. He has often taken to multiple platforms and claimed that women should be s*xually assaulted because they reject “nice guys” like him.

While such videos have now been removed from social media platforms, he was bashed by social media users for the content. However, now, Rashid Rosemond's mother has spoken up on the matter, claiming that she has been encouraging him to take therapy.

In a video posted online, she opened up about how she has addressed the issue:

“I am his mother, and I have tried for years to tell him and encourage him to get therapy and help. I’ve told him multiple times that you have mommy issues. Me, I’m the mama, so you have issues with me. And you need to go to therapy, and get those things worked out.”

She then continued by saying that she feels “no one deserves” to be treated in the way that her son displayed in his videos:

“No one deserves to be mistreated, threatened, feel unsafe or anything like that, because of his issues. I have said multiple times you gonna get beat, or you gonna get killed because of the stuff you’ve been saying.”

Due to the videos posted by Rashid Rosemond on social media, many are now posting about how the TikToker threatened them in their direct messages and often dropped in messages saying that he would r*pe them.

“Only thing he deserves is a prison cell”: Social media users outraged as Rashid Rosemond’s mother speaks up

While it has been some time since Rashid became the talk of the town because of the kind of videos that he posts online, the mother of the TikToker speaking up on the matter has once again brought it to the forefront.

As Twitter user TizzyEnt uploaded a video talking about the issue, many social media users commented on the matter. Some even extended support to his mother for addressing the issue.

Social media users blast at Rashid for posting offensive videos on social media: More details revealed as mother addressed the matter. (Image via Twitter)
Social media users blast at Rashid for posting offensive videos on social media: More details revealed as mother addressed the matter. (Image via Twitter)
Social media users blast at Rashid for posting offensive videos on social media: More details revealed as mother addressed the matter. (Image via Twitter)
Social media users blast at Rashid for posting offensive videos on social media: More details revealed as mother addressed the matter. (Image via Twitter)
Social media users blast at Rashid for posting offensive videos on social media: More details revealed as mother addressed the matter. (Image via Twitter)
Social media users blast at Rashid for posting offensive videos on social media: More details revealed as mother addressed the matter. (Image via Twitter)
Social media users blast at Rashid for posting offensive videos on social media: More details revealed as mother addressed the matter. (Image via Twitter)
Social media users blast at Rashid for posting offensive videos on social media: More details revealed as mother addressed the matter. (Image via Twitter)
Social media users blast at Rashid Rosemond for posting offensive videos on social media: More details revealed as mother addressed the matter. (Image via Twitter)
Social media users blast at Rashid Rosemond for posting offensive videos on social media: More details revealed as mother addressed the matter. (Image via Twitter)

Many social media users have also dug out information about Rashid Rosemond and claimed that he works for FedEx Ground in Kennesaw.

At the moment, Rashid Rosemond has not shared his opinion on the matter at hand, even after his mother publicly spoke up on the matter.

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