The most random link up of 2023

Publish date: 2024-04-14

Andrew Tate and his brother Tristan were released from house arrest following a highly publicized legal dispute earlier this month. The former kickboxer and his younger sibling faced allegations involving a range of offenses such as s*xual assault, human trafficking, and running a criminal operation that exploited vulnerable women.

The Bucharest Court of Appeal reached this conclusion subsequent to the formal accusations made against 'Cobra', Tristan, and two Romanian women in June. According to the court's ruling, all four individuals are restricted to the Bucharest Municipality and the adjoining Ilfov County. They must seek judicial authorization for any travel beyond these specified regions.

However, it appears that Andrew Tate and his sibling are fully relishing their newfound freedom. The Tate brothers were recently spotted reveling and spending time with American singer Jason Derulo. Their interaction occurred during Derulo's performance at a concert in Bucharest, Romania.

Tate recently uploaded a vlog on X (formerly Twitter) documenting his interaction with Derulo.

Check out the video below:

The video prompted fans to respond with enthusiasm, displaying a variety of reactions.

One fan wrote:

"Top G is enjoying wealthy life πŸ˜‚"

Another wrote:

"Am I the only one who didn't expect this link up πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚"

Check out some more reactions below:

"This the most random link up of 2023😭" "Top G mentality always and forever." "Mix tape dropping soon. Calling in right now" "Go tate brothers, you are an inspiration for all of us." "The collab we never knew we wanted"
Credits: Andrew Tate on X

Dillon Danis reveals Andrew Tate's DM and teases a 'huge possibility' for sparring in future

Dillon Danis has revealed a private message from Andrew Tate, hinting at a possible sparring session between the two.

'El Jefe' is gearing up for a six-round exhibition boxing match against Logan Paul on October 14. In the lead-up to the highly anticipated bout, Danis has been playfully taunting Paul by posting intimate photos of his fiancΓ©e, Nina Agdal, alongside her ex-partners.

Danis recently made a bold statement, suggesting that he refrained from sharing the most damaging image to prevent the event from being canceled. To everyone's surprise, Tate validated Danis' assertions on X.

Although the newfound camaraderie between Danis and Tate is unexpected, it appears a sparring session might be on the horizon. The BJJ grappler has taken to social media to unveil a screenshot of his conversation with Tate, where 'Cobra' extended an invitation to spar in Romania.

Check out Danis' post below:

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