Nia Jax takes a shot at Roman Reigns

Publish date: 2024-05-24

Former WWE Superstar Nia Jax has taken a jibe at Roman Reigns in one of her latest Instagram stories.

Nia Jax has been let go by WWE for a while now. She was quite vocal about the same and revealed that WWE released her after she requested an extension to her mental health break.

Jax recently took to her Instagram stories to answer a bunch of fan questions. A fan asked Jax if she recognize Roman Reigns. Jax was blunt in her response and stated that she doesn't. Check out the screengrab of her response:

Nia Jax says she doesn't recognize The Tribal Chief

Roman Reigns and Jax "butted heads" over a spot at Survivor Series 2020

At Survivor Series 2020, Nia Jax and Lana were supposed to do a table spot during the 10-woman Survivor Series Elimination Match. Unfortunately for the duo, Reigns had plans to do a table spot as well in his match with Drew McIntyre. Here's what Lana had to say about the incident:

"We were supposed to do this whole table spot on the show. And then Roman did not want [it], 'cause he had a table spot with [Drew McIntyre]. So there was some major pushback. The Samoans, Nia and Roman, you know, that whole thing. Like, oh my god, I'm caught in the middle of this drama. And so, we had a huge spot. Like I was supposed to be laid out in the very beginning. I was supposed to get in the ring, and Nia snatch me, 'cause the whole point was everyone on the team were heels, and I was the only 'babyface,' and they're gonna be all against me, and she was gonna lay me out." said Lana.

Reigns has consistently been WWE's top star for several years now. He is the biggest heel on WWE TV today. Millions of Reigns' fans as well as his peers acknowledge his stature. Jax seemingly isn't one of them, if her response on Instagram is any indication.

Suggested: Before her release, Nia Jax was involved in a real fight with this former WWE Women's Champion. Watch this and more unscripted moments from WWE Live TV

What are your thoughts on Jax's comments? Do you think there's still some heat between her and Reigns?

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