It has to be for a belt only

Publish date: 2024-04-13

Anna ‘Supergirl’ Jaroonsak put on a marvelous performance in her razor-close split decision loss to Stamp Fairtex earlier this year.

While most fighters would want to avenge close defeats as much as possible, the 19-year-old Thai prodigy isn’t exactly keen on facing the new ONE atomweight MMA world champion again.

For one, ‘Supergirl’ heralds Stamp as her idol. She’s also considered family in the Jaroonsak household, given her close friendship with ‘Supergirl’s' older sister and fellow ONE athlete, Nat ‘Wondergirl’ Jaroonsak.

Then again, it’s all fair game once a world title is up for grabs. In an interview with ONE Championship, ‘Supergirl’ revealed the only stipulation that would make her accept a rematch with Stamp:

“If it’s not absolutely a must, I don’t want to fight her. I guess it has to be for a belt only.”

Considering Stamp is currently focusing on mixed martial arts at the moment, a rematch with ‘Supergirl’ is highly unlikely.

The pair of Thai heroines squared off on short notice at ONE Fight Night 6 this past January in a three-round kickboxing affair.

‘Supergirl’ came out guns blazing against her more experienced opponent and put Stamp to work in the first two rounds. Unfortunately, she couldn’t sustain the pace and the momentum shifted to the Fairtex superstar.

Stamp eventually got the nod from the judges, but ‘Supergirl’s' stock still rose after proving she could hang with the best in the world. The 19-year-old prodigy will look to put on a similar performance and get the W this coming Friday at ONE Fight Night 16.

Cristina Morales will be awaiting her at the center of the Lumpinee Stadium ring on November 3 for a possible atomweight kickboxing world title eliminator.

ONE Fight Night 16 Haggerty vs. Andrade on Prime Video will air live in US primetime, free of charge for existing Prime Video subscribers in North America

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