Henry Cavill poses w/ young fan in full Superman gear, goes shirtless in new trailer

Publish date: 2024-04-11

Here are some new photos of Henry Cavill definitely not being mistaken for Matt Bomer as a flurry of female fans follow him down the street in Hollywood on 1/29. While the initial reaction here is “Wow!” … look at the sign behind Henry. He’s leaving the Chateau Marmont, which is a known place to be seen if one really wants to be seen. Henry’s presence at the Chateau would lend credence to the report that he quite enjoys hitting Vancouver hot spots and being a total babe magnet. Still, he seems to be fending off the paps and the chicks with a stick (ahem, tight pants), and I’ve included more photos of this spectacle at the end of this post. Let’s just assume that Henry was attending a meeting and didn’t have the foresight to arrange for more covert transport from the scene. Hopefully, he didn’t really just show up at the Chateau to incite mayhem and get photographed, right?

We can also forgive Henry for (maybe) schmoozing at a key paparazzi venue after what this next photo (from the DC Universe Twitter page) brings. Here’s Henry posing in his full Superman suit with a wee fan on the set of Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel reboot. Doesn’t this just make your ovaries go “Pop!” with joy?

Well, I bet those guys that once called Henry “Fat Cavill” are regretting their words right now. As they very well should.

Since Man of Steel won’t hit theaters until June 2013, here’s a little something to tide Cavill fans over in the form of a new poster and trailer for Cold Light of Day, a thriller that shows Henry in action mode and (conveniently) “leap[ing from] tall buildings in a single bound.” See what they did there?

Henry stars as a young man on vacation with his family, who gets kidnapped from their boat while Henry is frolicking shirtless in the ocean. Somehow, his father (Bruce Willis) escapes the attackers and then reveals himself as a member of the CIA, which sounds like — let’s face it — the makings of a really stupid movie. In addition, are we really going to buy Bruce Willis as Henry’s dad? I mean, we know what Bruce’s swimmers produce in real life. He has very dominant genes is all I’m saying. Still, can I suspend disbelief in that regard and deal with an entirely ridiculous storyline if it means getting to see Henry shirtless? Well, obviously. Cold Light of Day releases on 4/6, and here’s the trailer.

Now let’s look at more photos of Henry trying to fend off the masses. God, he is such a handsome man.

Photos courtesy of Pacific Coast News and Twitter; poster courtesy of Rope of Silicon
