FKA Twigs refuses to hang out with hipsters: Its so bad to be basic

Publish date: 2024-06-03


Here are some photos of FKA Twigs from the past few weeks, where she performed at the Osheaga Festival 2015 in Montreal, then Lollapalooza 2015 in Chicago. We haven’t seen photos of Twigs and Robert Pattinson together in weeks, maybe even a month or two. Then again, I haven’t really been paying attention to them either way. According to Twigs’ new interview with the Sunday Times, they’re still together… sort of. I mean, she doesn’t come right out and say it, but when asked about him, she just says it’s all private. And she’s still talking about all of the online abuse she gets for dating him too. Some highlights:

A Twigs fan was attacked online: Twigs was replying to a fan who had tweeted a picture of himself with a friend who was dying of cancer and revealed the young woman listened to her music to cheer herself up. But soon afterwards, the trolls turned on the man and started to send a barrage of negative comments about the woman in the picture. She said: “They all started attacking her. Within 20 seconds it was just like n*****, monkey, ugly, die bitch, all this stuff on his feed. It broke my heart… this lady who is really sick and is probably going to die.”

This is what her stepfather told her: “‘Sometimes people are going to treat you differently because of the colour of your skin. Sometimes you’re going to have to work 10 times harder than somebody else to get the same appreciation, but never use it as an excuse.’ I agree with that.”

She was the only mixed race girl in her school: “I was very conscious of it. I was half-Jamaican, but I didn’t understand that side of myself. Western society tells you if you’re blonde, you’re beautiful; if you have green eyes, you’re beautiful; if you have fair skin, you’re beautiful.”

She was mugged recently: “I was mugged outside the yoga studio.”

She doesn’t go to bars or hang out with hipsters: “I’m not the kind of person who goes to an exhibition on a Thursday night just because everyone is. It’s so bad to be basic.”

Will marriage affect her creativity? “No, I don’t think it works like that. Don’t you get freedom with age and experience, not confines?”

Whether she’s even going to marry Sparkles: “Who told you I was getting married?” After the interviewer says it’s been reported they’re getting married, FKA Twigs says, “You might read somewhere I’m a monkey and it doesn’t mean I am sure… I’m not prepared to talk about my private life. I don’t really understand the fascination.”

She’s a “home bod” & she didn’t understand Sparkles’ level of fame: “I don’t understand what the levels [of fame] are. I’m a bit naive.… I don’t engage in that world, even with myself, even with my own career.” And when pressed about whether she’s ever seen Twilight, the film that catapulted Pattinson into superstardom, she admits, “No.”

[From Gossip Cop, The Daily Mirror, The Daily Mail]

I kind of love how culture-snobby she is. She really sees herself as an artiste, which… sure, I’ll go along with that. She’s not a pop star in the vein of Taylor Swift or Katy Perry. Twigs will not be seeing the Twilight movies, thank you very much. She will not go to your photography exhibit or bond over a cheeseball love of the Backstreet Boys. “It’s so bad to be basic,” Twigs will say contemptuously.

Twigs recently released her new single, “Figure 8” – go here to listen to it. My favorite track on LP1 (her last album) was “Two Weeks” and “Figure 8” has a similar sound. Twigs will probably release her new EP in the coming months I guess.


Photos courtesy of WENN.
