EXCLUSIVE: Interview With Megan Bird

Publish date: 2024-05-12

19-year-old Megan Bird is an exciting, fast rising singer/songwriter from England who has recently released her stellar debut single ‘Fake Friends’.


Here we speak exclusively to Megan Bird to discuss her new music, musical inspirations, future plans and more:

Growing up who inspired your love of music?

I’ve always loved artists like Pink and Kelly Clarkson, the rockier songs especially. I don’t really know where it started, I always say how my mum brainwashed me with Robbie Williams from an early age and I knew all the lyrics by age 3! McFly was a big influence during school, and the main reason I played guitar and wrote songs, I just knew I needed to be in a band. 

Can you pinpoint the exact moment you decided to pursue music as a career?

Not really, I always knew that it was the one thing I could always do, but never had the confidence for it. I remember at a very young age I used to sing in my room as quiet as I could so no one could hear, or the cliché of performing in front of the mirror with a hairbrush.

What’s your earliest performing memory?
I sung “Your Song’ by Jason Mraz to my aunt and she cried, I thought I must’ve been that bad. She filmed it on her phone and then made me play in front of my parents. That was the first time I’d ever sung in front of anyone other than my singing teacher and I was petrified. 

We love your new single ‘Fake Friends’. How did the song come about?

Thank you so much, it was actually a lot of frustration towards some friendship issues I had had during school; I used to turn to music as a form of release and to vent it all out. I couldn’t find a song to help me with any situation that I was going through at the time so I thought, it would be best just to let it all out. I know other people go through the same bitchy school yard drama too so why not write it for others as well. 

How would you describe your sound to any new listeners?

I think it’s a huge mixture, my music taste is always changing so I take a lot of influence from all over. The best way I could describe it currently is Paramore meets Foo Fighters, but one of my all time inspirations is Demi Lovato so I think there is still a little bit of pop mixed in too. 

What do you hope fans take from your music?

The same release I get from music; it was my form of therapy so I hope it does the same for others. As well as to enjoy and relate as much as possible to situations that can make you feel really isolated. Especially young girls going through friendship drama and relationships.  

Who are your all time musical heroes?

Soooo many, of course Demi Lovato, I love Katy Perry’s first album with some of the rockier songs on, that definitely pushed me towards bands like Paramore and All Time Low with the slightly Pop/Rock vibe. But definitely Kelly Clarkson and Pink, I love the fact that she’s unapologetically herself. 

What are your plans for the rest of this year?

Releasing my first single and an EP, and hoping to just gig as much as I can and just try to get my name out there. I also want to start writing again as I feel like so much has happened since this album was finished I need to get it all out. 

So, we can expect more new music from you soon?

Yes! I’ll be releasing my first [official] single ‘Affirmation’ this September! This was the first song we wrote on the album! 

Do you have any touring plans lined up?

Not yet no, but we are planning on very soon! I’ve got an amazing band with me and we’re all just so excited to get out and play these songs!

 What are your long term career goals?

I think just to see where it takes me, the whole process of writing this album and working with amazing people still hasn’t sunk in yet. I never thought that this would be a reality for me so I’m just going to enjoy every minute and hope to help people with my music, like so many artists have done for me.

Make sure you follow Megan Bird on Twitter @MeganBirdMusic to keep up to date with all her latest music and tour news!

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