All skins, price range, and more

Publish date: 2024-04-26

CS:GO announced their latest skin line, The Anubis Collection, on April 25, 2023. Ever since Anubis entered the active duty map pool, fans have been eagerly waiting for such a collection to drop. The Anubis Collection draws quite a bit of inspiration from Egyptian deities and art forms, featuring a total of 19 weapon finishes.

The Counter-Strike community is excited to find extremely appealing new cosmetics being added for the M4A4, Famas, Glock-18, P90, and many more. Here is everything you need to know about the Anubis Collection in CS:GO before purchasing it.

All skins, prices, and availability of CS:GO's latest Anubis Collection

With CS:GO's Paris Major 2023 being right around the corner, the announcement of the Anubis Collection makes perfect sense. Anubis is currently in the active map pool, and for 'Souvenir' Collections to drop, there must be a pre-existing skin collection associated with the map.

Where to buy

Players can directly purchase the Anubis Collection package from CS:GO's main menu if they wish to unbox it themselves. It is available in the 'coupon' section of the store, directly underneath the main interface.

Specific skins can be directly bought from the Steam Community Marketplace by accessing the CS:GO tab, where players can opt for the skin of their choice. All the variants with different patterns, rarities, and wear (float) will be available for buyers to purchase directly.

Pricing of the collection

The Anubis Collection Package (Image via Sportskeeda)

Players can purchase the Anubis Collection Package for $1.99 from the main menu of CS:GO. While the package costs a mere $1.99, the skins have pricing with regard to their rarity and wear. Furthermore, the pricing of the skins keeps fluctuating with respect to changes in the ratio of demand and supply of the skins in the CS:GO marketplace.

All skins from the Collection

The Anubis Collection features 19 new skins for the available weapons in CS:GO. With that said, let us take a look at the brand-new finishes these weapons have received in the game:

1) M4A4| Eye of Horus: $325.64 - $1,736.47

M4A4| Eye of Horus (Image via Sportskeeda)

2) FAMAS | Waters of Nephthys: $38.56 - $249.94

FAMAS | Waters of Nephthys (Image via Sportskeeda)

3) P250 | Apep's Curse: $37.99 - $247.52

P250 | Apep's Curse (Image via Sportskeeda)

4) Glock-18 | Ramese's Reach: $5.80 - $55.79

Glock-18 | Ramese's Reach (Image via Sportskeeda)

5) P90 | ScaraB Rush: $4.94 - $30.14

P90 | ScaraB Rush (Image via Sportskeeda)

6) Nova | Sobek's Bite: $5.08 - $30.14

Nova | Sobek's Bite (Image via Sportskeeda)

7) AWP | Black Nile: $5.94 - $24.10

AWP | Black Nile (Image via Sportskeeda)

8) AK-47 | Steel Delta: $3.26 - $15.65

AK-47 | Steel Delta (Image via Sportskeeda)

9) Tec-9 | Mummy's Rot: $1.00 - $6.18

Tec-9 | Mummy's Rot (Image via Sportskeeda)

10) MAG-7 | Copper Coated: $0.98 - $4.96

MAG-7 | Copper Coated (Image via Sportskeeda)

11) M4A1-S | Mud-Spec: $0.52 - $2.27

M4A1-S | Mud-Spec (Image via Sportskeeda)

12) USP-S | Desert Tactical: $0.40 - $2.39

USP-S | Desert Tactical (Image via Sportskeeda)

13) MAC-10 | Echoing Sands: $0.43 - $1.98

MAC-10 | Echoing Sands (Image via Sportskeeda)

14) SSG 08 | Azure Glyph: $0.42 - $2.00

SSG 08 | Azure Glyph (Image via Sportskeeda)

15) R8 Revolver | Inlay: $0.08 - $0.26

R8 Revolver | Inlay (Image via Sportskeeda)

16) MP7 | Sunbaked: $0.07 - $0.28

MP7 | Sunbaked (Image via Sportskeeda)

17) XM1014 | Hieroglyph: $0.08 - $0.28

XM1014 | Hieroglyph (Image via Sportskeeda)

18) M249 | Submerged: $0.08 - $0.28

M249 | Submerged (Image via Sportskeeda)

19) AUG | Snake Pit: $0.08 - $0.24

AUG | Snake Pit (Image via Sportskeeda)

This sums up the Anubis Collection. Players can directly browse the community marketplace to search for their desired skin and make a purchase from the market.

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